Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Sweet Girls

My sweet girls are growing up so fast.  I love this picture because it so clearly shows how different God made each one of them.  One is dark complected with brown eyes and dark hair.  The other is fair complected with blue eyes and blond hair.  Their personalities are so different as well. Alexa is serious, determined, nurturer, Type A, quiet, gentle .... Emma is expressive, loves life, fun-loving, goes with the flow ..... They both have different gifts and interests and both learn in different ways.  I think the beauty of their differences is what binds them together as sisters.  They have bond that I saw from the time Emma was born and just continues to grow.  Alexa has been Emma's mother hen from Day 1.  They share a room and I love to listen at the door to their conversations and their giggles.  I love watching them build each other strengths and encourage each other in their weaknesses.  I love listening to them pray for each other and watching their genuine concern for each other.  I love seeing them excited to be at school together and watching out for each other on the playground.  I know that in the years to come their relationship may not look this neat and tidy.  They may drive each other crazy but I pray the bond they have as sisters will carry them during those years.  I pray that they will continue to grow in their relationship with each other. 
My Sister ..... My Friend


Kathy said...

What a sweet, sweet post. I've always thought it was so neat how different they look and beautiful in their own unique way. It sounds like their personalities parallel my first and second born in many ways and it seems to really help their friendship and get along well. Isn't it such a blessing?
No doubt about it, you have gorgeous kids! (Inside & out!)

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