Friday, December 9, 2011

Gingerbread House Day

One of the highlights in kindergarten that everyone looks forward to is Gingerbread House Day. Two teachers started this with the class that are now seniors.  There  were pictures posted of every child of the previous years.  Every child takes a parent or special person to help with Gingerbread House day. Alexa was at a different school for kindergarten and we were at adoption classes when it was Emma's turn.  My mom got in on the fun instead.  So needless to say I was excited to be able to go with Shane and experience Gingerbread House Day. 

Shane was super excited to get going. He spread frosting on his milk carton and then started building his house out of graham crackers. 

All four kindergarten classes gathered with their special guest in the cafeteria.  There were tables and tables of candy that the kids got to gather candy from. 

Look at that pile of goodies that Shane gathered to decorate with.

He knew exactly what he wanted to put on his house. 

I had so much fun hanging out with Shane for the morning.  I love seeing him in his element at school.  He is loving school and has grown and matured so much already this year. He definitely is Mr. Social.

He was busy decorating his house, making trees, building a path and decorating his gingerbread man.

He was so proud of his house and I was proud of him.  He was quick to tell everyone around him how great their house was and exactly what he loved about his friend's houses. 

Time was up and Shane was pretty proud of his finished product.

Look at that Masterpiece! 

I had very specific instructions as I left that I was not to let Max touch it! 


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